They have something to teach. It's something I have been willing to study my whole life. How to nap, how to ask for what you want, how to be persistent in the asking, how to say," no, I don't care for that", and without hesitation, they know how to say, "pet me!" I have always been attracted to cats. I have five. They are like magnets to my iron, pulling me away from my task, drawn to their exposed belly, their sleepy smile. They know how to savor the sunlight and the leafy, dappled shade. They know how to be clean and how to get really dirty. This cat, the one who's paw clutches my latest belly chain creation, sleeps in my lavendar garden. I pick him up and he smells like my favorite flower, clean, bright, honest. I can't really explain it other than a pure fascination, a lifelong attraction to the feline form, an admiration and a love. Like my attraction to gemstones, I suspect both can be therapeutic when received with an open heart.