This month, I have created a special tool for you to manifest your brave new world. If you are not familiar with my work, please refer to my website. I will link it below. This tool is powerful. It is easy to use. It is fun! It smells good and it is pretty. it's Candle of the Moon DECEMBER MOON, BELIEVE.
I recommend using this special tool to show the gratitude that is required to create your perfect world. State your beliefs. State your deepest held beliefs, your most fanciful wishes and desires, your picture perfect world, your health and well being. Use the affirmative to create your reality.
I'll show you how:
I believe in myself. I believe in love and forgiveness. I believe in making mistakes to get better. I believe in making amends and honoring the feelings of others. I believe in magic and the power of the mind to heal. I believe that spirituality can be goofy and make fun of itself. I believe in serendipity and divine timing. I believe we can evolve to be a peaceful planet where we each have tolerance and compassion for one another without exception. I believe the Earth can heal herself and it is never too late to stop relying on ziploc baggies and other plastics. I believe we can be successful without having to "have it all". I believe in love and hugs and holding hands. I believe in you.
Love, Shelley
how to purchase BELIEVE