Monday, November 05, 2012

To Feel Love no matter what

I am a child of divorce.  I am the third daughter of the marriage of my parents and was a mere two year old when they divorced. My mother was granted sole custody of my sisters and I. Needless to say, I have issues. 

From this childhood, I learned to be a good step parent. From this childhood, I have learned to be be a wife who looks no further than the confines of her family for satisfaction. From this childhood, I have stored grief that is now seeping out of me due to the critical condition of my father who suffered a head injury from falling off a two story roof last Monday.  My mother wrote it best in a blog she published last week My Mom's Blog. Just know that no matter how big or small a parental relationship may be, it impacts you. There is always love to be had in the smallest of getures. Memories are storehouses of truth and the truth for me is simply love. That's it.  

My husband and son brought a book home last summer that enraptured me. It was called Darth Vader and Son. This book really says much to me because Luke feels love for his father even though he is of the Dark Side of The Force. He feels the good in him even though, in the STAR WARS saga, they share no memories as father and son. Luke simply feels love for his father. No matter what. This book is so sweet, it shows the love of the father for the son. I'll share a pic or two. It is by Jeffrey Brown.

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