Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dream Job

I have finally realized what my dream job is after 46 years of asking myself what I love.

I love kids. I love talking to kids, I love teaching them about life and reflecting their gifts back to them. I love to make them laugh and think.  Also, anyone who really knows me knows that I am a total geek who thinks of a discussion on almost scientific topic a total turn-on!

Here's a modified copy of the letter I sent to the Principal of the school where I work as Lunch Lady:

I have been trying to figure out what job would be my dream job and I have come to the conclusion that I would like to pursue, when the opportunity arises, the position of Science Teacher.  I realized that this is my dream job for two reasons, the first is that I would be able to work with EVERY SINGLE CHILD, an honor that really only goes to specialists and our precious librarian. The second reason I want this job is that I LOVE science and I want to infect the kids, our kids, with the same passion that I have.

Here are my credentials as of today:

BA in Anthropology from CSULB, with pre-med courses completed, and a minor in Chemistry.

I have taken classes in Astronomy and Geology at SBCC for fun.

I am an amateur paleontologist and geologist. I have discovered and photographed over 100 vertebrate fossils on the beaches of Santa Barbara.

I study Great White Sharks by reading all I can about them and following the Shark Research Committee website daily.

I worked in pharmaceutical sales for 9 years, from 1995-2004, which honed my knowledge of the human body, in health and sickness. I also learned to be a skilled educator and communicator, regularly engaging in discussion with physicians about disease states, medicines and other therapies used for treatment. 

I have always loved science. I love Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geology, Oceanography, Paleontology, Evolutionary Biology, Entomology,  Cosmology, and Environmental Science. I don't think there is a single branch of science that doesn't interest me. I'm a total geek.

I realize that you currently have a science teacher. I just realize that an opening for this position could potentially open up at some point and I want to be ready and qualified to apply for the job. 

There. I said it. I want to be a Science Teacher.

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