Last weekend started out with my bonus baby, Faith, spending two nights at Cottage Hospital.
And Buster, the baby bunny, was brought home. He got out once while I was with Faith in the hospital and ran all around the house.
Kieran and I worked at the Hope School Carnival.
Kieran attended a birthday party.
There was a solar eclipse.
We has about a dozen hungry caterpillars eating my milkweed plants.
Tom and the kids let Buster go at Glen Annie Golf Course.
Kieran drew the image for the Hope School I Maddonari square.
She also did her own square
Tom did a BEAUTIFUL drawing of Kieran, Aidan and London.
Morgan came. Twice.
Everyone helped. Me, Quinlan, Aidan, Cadence, Faith and Kieran.
Bonus baby feeling SO much better.