Friday, May 11, 2012

Golden Birthday: May 12, 2012

Twelve years ago today I was going to bed for the last time as just a wife and a step mom. Around midnight, my swollen belly began to contract. By about 9:30 AM, I had birthed my daughter, Kieran Celeste Meaney. I became a mother.

Kieran came out quietly, with her eyes wide open, taking it all in. She has been my companion in creation since the very beginning. Her destiny has been clear for quite a while now. I thank her for choosing me as her mother. Although it is not always easy, it is most definitely a pleasure and an honor to be your mother. Happy 12th birthday, my exquisite celestial dragon.

Happy golden birthday my sweet Kieran Celeste!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love all of the picks! Happy Golden Birthday Kieran and happy Birthing Day to you Shelley!! Love, Kate