Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I would describe myself as easy going. I think thats part of the secret of my success as a parent. My house is chaotic and messy. My kids are loud and lively. My life is fast and furious and I LOVE IT! When I was little, growing up in Manhattan Beach, spending my summers playing in the ocean waves, I learned that when you get caught in a big one it's better if you don't struggle. Relax. Be like laundry in the washing machine. If you are this way, when you get pulled under and tossed around in the waves, you never seem to run out of air in your lungs and the wave passes eventually. When it's over, you just stand up, pull your bikini back on, smile and say whoa, that was awesome!!! Go with the flow. Don't fight, struggle, fear or tighten. Relax, ride, enjoy the foamy green water and worry not. You are tougher than you think. With this philosophy in mind, I have created a belly chain to aid in this mindset. It is called FLOW and its stones help you to let go of the illusion of control and be content in your experience of riding any wave that comes your way. The stones in this one are ocean jasper, grossularite (green garnet) and green tourmalinated quartz. Some noteworthy aspects of these stones are that they dissolve crystallized patterns and release tensions at any level, turn negative thoughts into positive ones, teach relaxation and going with the flow, inspire service and cooperation, support during times of stress, bring tranquility and wholeness, balance the parts of life that have become all important to the detriment of others.

As a crazy, wonderful summer approaches, I wear a smile at the thought of all the family travel we will be doing. Just as insurance, I might create one of these for myself.

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